The Seraphine Legacy

A legacy story following the Seraphine family through ten generations of drama

Chapter 10.2 – The Penthouse

with 26 comments

As time went by and Vanessa’s popularity grew, so did her need for self-expression.  Out went her mousey brown hair and her girl next door look and in came the platinum blond and the suggestive temptress.

Often her on-stage performances became embroiled by her provocative dancing and more often than not she gave up playing her guitar in order to be able to sing and dance at the same time.

One time she did a photo shoot and interview with Rolling Stones magazine where she insisted on sporting just a bikini and stockings.

The photographer and journalist loved her as she did not hold anything back and seemed to relish in the attention everyone was giving her. The journalist later referred to the shoot as “a disturbing mix of childhood innocence and adult sexuality.”  Vanessa responded with saying: “What’s was the big deal? I have strong morals but I would still do the shoot again. I thought the pictures were fine.”

But not everyone agreed with her.  When the edition of Rolling Stones landed on her mother’s desk, Tara flipped!

She called up Jack almost in tears.  “She looks so cheap,” she wept to her husband. “We did not raise her this way.  What are we going to do?”

Later that evening, when Vanessa arrived home she found her mother and father stiffly seated at the dining table.

“What’s going on guys,” she asked.

“Sit down,” Tara replied.  Vanessa did as she was told knowing what was coming after seeing her magazine shoot spread across the table.

“Before you say anything,” she started, “I did this shoot in good taste and it was very professional.”

“Darling we know that this magazine is very credible and we really liked the article, but it’s just the photos. They are so…. They are so….”  Jack could not find the words.

“They are just not very tasteful,” Tara continued for her husband.  “And we are just worried that you are giving off the wrong impression.  We did not raise you to show your body off like this.  Surely there must be a better way of promoting your music.”

“What do you guys know,” Vanessa snapped jumping from her seat.  “This is rock and roll mum and dad, not Sunday school.  To get noticed in this business you have to be extreme.  I am an adult and you have no right to interfere.”  With that she spun on her heel and stormed off.  How dare her parents interfere in her work.  She knew exactly what she was doing.

But her parents were not the only ones exasperated by her wild ways.  Rory was also struggling to keep up with his girlfriend.  He loved to party as much as the next person, but going out every night and drinking the place dry was just becoming a little boring for him and all he wanted was a night alone snuggled up with Vanessa.  But Vanessa had other ideas; she wanted to throw a party! And what better excuse than to celebrate the new luxury penthouse apartment Vanessa had just purchased in Bridgeport for when she needed somewhere to crash after a gig.

“Why can’t we just have one night alone,” Rory exclaimed when Vanessa would not back down on throwing the party.  “We are always surrounded by your friends.  Can’t it be just the two of us for once?”

“What do you mean it’s never just the two of us,” Vanessa retaliated.  “It’s you I go to bed with every night.  Its you I spend every day with.  It’s you I am with. What more do you want from me?  My soul?”

“Well why not.  That’s what people do when they love each other. They give themselves over to each other 100%.  I feel like I only have 50% of you.”

“Don’t be dramatic Rory, I give you as much of me as I can at the moment.  If that’s not enough, you know where the door is.”

“Fine, fine.  You have your party Nessa, but I want no part of it.”  As Rory stormed out of the door, Vanessa could not help but wonder if they were on the same pages in their lives and promised herself to have a good time that night, with or without him.

Vanessa invited all her band mates and friends to her housewarming party. She even hired catering staff and a mixologist to attend to her and her guests so she could kick back and enjoy herself.

And enjoy herself she did.  Thanks to the mixologist, Vanessa decided to sample every cocktail that was on offer.  She drunk and she danced and she drunk some more and danced even more.

As she showed off on the dance floor, she suddenly found herself face to face with a black Adonis.  She had seen him around before as one her back-up dancers, but had never spoken to him.  The more the music played and the more she drunk the more she danced with him.  He moved behind her swinging her hips like no man had ever done before.  For Vanessa, it was euphoric.

She did not really know what she was doing but she knew she wanted the dancer.  Before long they were huddled in a corner all over each other.

And not much later she had lured him up to her newly installed Jacuzzi on the second floor and was suggesting a skinny dip.  In the back of her head she knew what she was doing wrong, but she could not stop herself.  She needed the dancer and she could not wait another minute.

The next morning in the cold light of day, Vanessa sat on her terrace nursing the worst hangover ever with another cocktail – hair of the dog. The catering staff and mixologist had done a good job at cleaning up after the party and her apartment was spotless, but the inside of her head was a complete mess!

As her phone rung and rung and she ignored it, Rory gave up trying to call and headed over to the apartment letting himself in with his spare key. 

He found Vanessa sitting on the terrace, stripped of her makeup and her mask.  “Nessa, here you are, I was getting worried.  Listen I am sorry for arguing last night.  I had no right and I hope we can just forget it. I love you.”

Vanessa looked up at Rory.  She looked at his perfect face and the love filling his eyes and knew she did not deserve him.  She did not say anything. She just downed her drink and remained silent.  She knew once she said what she had to say, she could not take it back.

“Something’s wrong,” Rory started looking at his girlfriend. “Tell me. Are we finished?”

Nessa finally turned to face Rory and nodded her head.

“Why,” he shrieked!  “Is it because of our argument?”

“I slept with someone else,” Vanessa whispered


“I’m disgusting,” she continued covering her mouth with her hand.

“But… we’re happy. Aren’t we?”

Vanessa glared at Rory, she did not know what to say. 

“How do you feel,” Rory continued not waiting for the answer.

“Guilty,” Vanessa replied

“Did you ever love me?

“Yes,” Vanessa suddenly shrieked. “And I still do.  Please Rory.  I am so sorry…”  Vanessa tried to reach out to him.

“Well you have killed it now,” Rory spat his voice raised.  “You have killed us Nessa and I can never forgive you for that.”  He took one last look at Vanessa and then walked out with tears in his eyes but his head still held high.

The moment Vanessa heard the door slam she burst into tears. Rory was right, she had killed them, both of them!

She needed to get out of the apartment. She needed to get out of Bridgeport.  She needed her mum.  As she arrived home later that day, the house was empty.  She called out for her mum, dad and Whitney, but there was no answer.  As she climbed the stairs, she could hear whimpering coming from her parents’ bedroom.

As she opened the door her mother’s back was turned to her and she could see by her slumped shoulders that she was crying.  Vanessa feared the worst.  Had something happened to her dad?

“Mum, what’s wrong,” she said rushing over.

“Oh Vanessa darling, thank goodness you’re here.  It’s Whitney.”

“Whitney,” Vanessa exclaimed.  “What’s happened to her? Is she ok?”

“Yes she is ok,” Tara replied. “But… but… she is pregnant!”

Vanessa let out a huge sigh of relief.  “Is that all mum?  That’s nothing to cry about.  That’s amazing.”

“No its not,” Tara continued.  “She’s only nineteen and she does not know who the father is.  And worst still, she is living in that hovel in Bridgeport that is infested with rats.  She refuses to come home as she says she needs to be in Bridgeport for her acting career.  But I don’t know how she is going to raise a child in that place. I am going to have to move in with her and help her. It’s such a mess.”

“It doesn’t have to be mum, I think I can help. Why doesn’t Whitney move into my new place?  It is in the best building in Bridgeport and has 24hour security.”

“You can’t do that Vanessa that is your new home.”

“Please mum, I insist.  That place is not home to me, Angel Falls is home and I don’t want it anymore.  You will be doing me a favour if you take it off my hands.”

“Well if you are sure darling. Your dad and I can move in their too then if you don’t mind.  I don’t want Whitney caring for a baby on her own and it will give you your space here.”

“You don’t have to move out of here mum, but if you want to be with Whitney then that’s where you shall be.”

“Thank you darling,” Tara replied finally smiling.  “But just let us know if you ever want the apartment back.” Vanessa knew she would never live in that apartment again, there were already too many bad memories for her.

Written by StarSarah

November 15, 2010 at 11:54 am

Posted in Generation Ten

26 Responses

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  1. Oh Vanessa! You are dumb. Hopefully you will understand now that you are acting like a slut.
    Whitney is pregnant? Will we get to the see the baby? I hope so!
    I think Vanessa will be pregnant. I actually don’t want her and Rory to get back together. She needs somebody else. Somebody who insists on keeping her down-to-earth.


    November 15, 2010 at 12:52 pm

  2. Good chapter although im going to miss Rory


    November 15, 2010 at 12:54 pm

  3. oh my, stupid nessa.
    But wauw Sarah, i really sucked in this story…
    I dont wwant it to end:(


    November 15, 2010 at 1:27 pm

  4. Come on!!!! I loved Rory! And yea I want to see Whitney’s baby too! Hopefully Nessa isnt pregnant with that guy’s baby!

    Radke Legacy

    November 15, 2010 at 3:31 pm

  5. oh goodness these girls are like a car crash! i’m interested to see if nessa is pregnant as well. what a wake up call if she is! great chapter! 🙂


    November 15, 2010 at 3:57 pm

  6. I really don’t like Whitney 😦
    I do love this Legacy but I remember the generation 10 of the Shenston Legacy, with the four girls named after their birthplace(<3) and I can't help thinking Sunny was so much nicer than Vanessa 😦


    November 15, 2010 at 4:21 pm

  7. I like Vanessa’s old hair! 😦


    November 15, 2010 at 5:15 pm

  8. I bet Rory will come back. Aa least Nessa knows about the way she acted now. Let’s just hope for a happy ending 😀


    November 15, 2010 at 6:26 pm

  9. Hmmm, Rory wouldn’t be gone. You wouldn’t let us get attached to him Sarah, would you?

    P.S I liked Vanessa’s old hair more 😦


    November 15, 2010 at 7:51 pm

  10. Woah… this chapter was really interesting! Vanessa has turned into a bit of a slut… not to be rude to her or anything. I hope this is just a phase for her, although her new personality is a bit interesting. If Rory us gone out of her life for good, I hope there will be a new love interest for her that has black or red hair.

    Also, I too liked Vanessa’s old hair more.


    November 15, 2010 at 8:38 pm

  11. I would like to add that I also preferred Nessa’s old hair


    November 15, 2010 at 9:19 pm

  12. Wow! That was tramatic! I think nessa is finally realizing that she needs to wake up and stop being a creep. I hope she is not pregnant!


    November 15, 2010 at 10:21 pm

  13. Oh wow! What a great chapter! These girls do like making more trouble for themselves dont they! Can’t wait for the next one 🙂


    November 15, 2010 at 10:49 pm

  14. I will miss Rory, although I kinda hope Nessa is pregnant 🙂
    Poor Whitney, I hope everything is okay!


    November 15, 2010 at 11:22 pm

  15. As awful as Nessa’s actions were I can really respect the way she dealt with them the next day and that she fessed up to Rory right away. Also, what a good sister to take care of Whitney the way she is … even if it’s a little selfish.

    Great chapter


    November 15, 2010 at 11:24 pm

  16. i figured she’d lose Rory, at least she was aware of her world crashing down around her :\

    Was totally not how i expected the rest of the chapter to go, very interesting ^_^


    November 16, 2010 at 2:29 am

  17. Drammmmma!! LOL Hopefully Nessa won’t regret inviting Whit to stay. =o


    November 16, 2010 at 6:51 am

  18. Loved it! 😀
    And, disagreeing with others, I like Whitney’s new hair. xP
    But, either way, it’s pretty.

    And yay! I loves Whitney! I hope everything works out for her.
    And aww, I really like Rory. D:


    November 16, 2010 at 7:59 am

  19. Great chapter. As always.

    How did you create the magazine with Vanessa on the front?

    And, please check out . There’s also a heir poll!


    November 16, 2010 at 8:51 am

  20. Ow OW ow Nessa you totaly messed it up >:(.
    Rory was a nice man. BUT I WANT TO SEE Withneys Baby! New Chapter?


    November 16, 2010 at 10:04 am

  21. This is a mess.
    But I love it! ❤


    November 16, 2010 at 5:42 pm

  22. Vanessa didn’t even have mousy brown hair to begin with! She had brown with blond highlights and it was very beautiful! I hope that Vanessa eventually gets pregnant , im surprised she hasn’t.


    November 16, 2010 at 11:12 pm

  23. how did I know she wouldn’t stay true to Rory..? :/
    Awesome Chapter! i love it! 😀


    November 21, 2010 at 12:58 am

  24. that was cool. although i thought Jack was dead but then when Tara said Whitney i thought she was dead as well. your the best sarah

    Danni S

    November 24, 2010 at 6:22 pm

  25. my new name is 2 cool 4 skool dannixx

    2 cool 4 skool

    November 24, 2010 at 6:23 pm

  26. Vanessa’s changed so much…


    December 20, 2010 at 3:32 am

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