The Seraphine Legacy

A legacy story following the Seraphine family through ten generations of drama

Chapter 8.2 – Remarkable Fighters Only

with 42 comments

Riley and Noah worked tirelessly for a whole year on the new house project managing it together.  They fought over style but in the end Riley won with her request for a neutral modern house with Asian accents.  She even had her own martial arts training room installed.

By the time the family moved back in, Mia had aged into an old woman and Sienna had aged into a young adult developing the great kisser trait.

Since aging up and finishing school, Sienna had dedicated all her spare time to her music and her boyfriend Nikko.  Their two piece band had grown to a four piece and they had decided to go on the road to try to make a real go of their music careers.

Saying goodbye to her family was tough for Sienna.  She knew she would miss them all like crazy especially her sister and best friend Riley.  The two girls hugged so tightly before Sienna left that they could hardly breathe. 

Riley hated watching her sister walk away but at the same time could not tear her eyes away.  She wondered if you would ever see her again.

After Sienna left, Riley felt a big void inside her like she had lost an arm or something.  She had never had many friends as her and Sienna had been so close. She cried to her mum about it one day.  “I miss Sienna so much mum,” she wept.  “She was my best friend and now she has gone.  What am I going to do without her?”

“Riley darling, you will be fine,” Mia replied.  “Why don’t you take this opportunity to get closer to Piper.  Maybe the two of you can be best friends too.”

“But Piper hates me.”

“No she doesn’t.  Why don’t you give her a chance. She might surprise you.”

Riley thought about it for a while and then realised her mother was right.  She had never really given Piper a chance.  She headed up to her room and knocked on the door.  “Come in,” Piper called through the wall.  As Riley entered Piper was preening herself in the mirror as usual.

“What’s up,” Piper asked spinning round to face her sister. 

“Err… I was just wondering what you were up to and if you fancied going out together later?  Maybe to the shops or to see a movie?”

Piper stared at her sister hard.  “What do you want Riley?  You never usually want to hang out with me.”

“Yeah well that’s the thing Piper.  I would really like us to be closer.  I know you are still upset that I got the legacy and all, but we are sisters and I would really like us to be friends.”

A smile spread across Piper’s face. “I would like that,” she replied. 

Riley was so pleased that she threw her arms around her sister.  “That’s brilliant Piper.  I am so happy.”

Piper hugged her sister back and held tightly onto her with one hand.  With the other she moved it down to the pocket on the back on Riley’s dress and slipped out her wallet tucking it into pocket when Riley had left the room.  Yes, she thought to herself.  It would be a good idea to be closer to Riley.

Meanwhile Riley had been training hard with her martial arts and winning matches left right and centre.  She was now onto her green belt and was fighting harder and harder opponents.

The mysterious man still attended most of her matches.  He watched her from the ring edges these days not shying away from his obvious surveying.

It had been four years since the man had last approached Riley. And even though they had not spoken since then, she did feel like they had an unspoken connection.  Then one day after winning a match, the man left his viewing point and came towards her.  “Hello Miss Seraphine,” he said in his exotic accent. “It would be my pleasure if you would accompany me for a coffee?”

He did not have to ask twice, Riley had been waiting for this day for too long.  They decided not to travel too far and headed to the diner next door. When they were seated, the man started talking.

He introduced himself as Joe – just Joe – and said that he owned an academy on the other side of the island.  He explained that his academy was not like a normal training centre and specialised only in expert fighters.  He said that he only taught ancient Chinese techniques that you could not learn anywhere else and how he would be honoured if Riley would join his academy.   “You have a gift Miss Seraphine,” he said.  “But you are repressed.  I can teach you things you never knew were possible.”

Riley listened to Joe quietly taking in every word he said.  Excitement built inside her along with apprehension and doubt.  She had to bite her tongue to stop her accepting Joe’s offer straight away. “Well Joe, firstly please call me Riley.  Thank you kindly for your offer but do you mind if I think about it?”

“Of course Riley,” Joe replied handing her his card.  “Here are my details and the address of my academy.  If you are unsure you are welcome to come by at any time and have a look.”  As Joe left Riley stared and the card he had given her: SIM FU EXPERT ACADEMY, it read.   FOR REMARKABLE FIGHTERS ONLY.  Riley knew she needed to think carefully about this.

She decided her first step was to speak to her teacher about it.  Johnny had trained Riley all these years and trained her well.  But she knew that he was no expert and probably could not take her talents much further.  “Hey Riley, what’s up,” Johnny asked when Riley arrived at his academy unexpectedly that evening.  “How was the fight?”

“Yeah really well thanks Johnny, I won.  But that was not what I wanted to talk to you about.  I wanted to talk to you about this,” Riley said handing Johnny Joe’s business card. “They have offered me a position at their academy.  What do you think?”

Johnny looked down at the card in his hand and then handed it straight back to Riley.  “I would stay well away if I were you,” Johnny replied looking very uncomfortable.  “I have heard things about this academy and they are not good.  Their fighting technique is very violent and goes against everything Sim Fu stands for that it is a defence only sport.  These guys fight to hurt.  If I were you I would throw this card away and never think about it again.”

It was not what Riley wanted to hear but she had to respect Johnny’s opinion.  When she left Johnny’s she was certain that she would do what he said and throw the card away. But as the days rolled by she could not get Joe out of her head and decided it would not hurt going over to the academy to check it out.

The academy was at the corner of Angel Falls in the depth of a forest.  As Riley approached she could not help but marvel at the building, it looked ancient but was not in the same style as the rest of the ancient buildings in Angel Falls.  It looked like someone had lifted it right out of China and dropped it in Angel Falls.

Riley knocked on the door a few times but there was no answer.  Then she heard some voices coming from the back of the building and decided to be brave and go and check it out.  As she walked around the house the voices got louder.  Soon she found an opening in the gate with a small staircase and climbed on through.

What she saw on the other side made her stop in amazement.  There was a sparring ring with the blond girl and the cowboy she had seen with Joe many times, sparring.  But it was not like any sparring she had ever seen. They moved so fast and with such grace that it was almost like they were dancing not fighting.

Riley stood in awe, rooted to her spot.  She knew at that instant that she wanted, no needed to do what they were doing.  Eventually she looked down to find Joe looking back up her.

“Riley you came,” he pronounced.

“Yes,” Riley replied making her way down to him.  “This is amazing Joe, what they are doing.  Do you think you could teach me how to do it?”

Joe smiled and nodded his head.  “Does that mean you are in?”

“I am in,” Riley replied.

“It will be hard work, harder than you can imagine.”

“I’m in, I can do it.” 

“Well then,” Joe continued.  “You had better come and meet the rest of the gang.” As Joe led Riley over to the fighters they both stopped and looked over at Riley.  She had never been so intimidated in all her life.

“Right guys,” Joe started looking at the fighters.  “I would like you to meet Riley.  As of today she is a member of our academy and part of our team.  Riley I would like you to meet the other two members.  Here we have Gia,” he said pointing at the blond girl.

“Bonjour,” she replied in a thick French accent.

“And over here is Rex, but we like to call him Sidewinder.” Rex said hello to Riley and she told herself to ask someone later why they called him Sidewinder.

As Gia started chatting away to Riley about how great it was to have another girl around the place, Riley looked at her surroundings and drunk it in.  This was the place she was meant to be, she thought to herself.  It did not matter what Johnny had said, she knew that if she wanted to be a Martial Arts Master, she had come to the right place.

Written by StarSarah

September 9, 2010 at 11:42 am

Posted in Generation Eight

42 Responses

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  1. Awesome update Sarah!
    The house is my favourite so far! Modern, but not to cold. I don’t like the academy, it’s kinda scary!


    September 9, 2010 at 12:22 pm

  2. Oeeeeh, I wonder what’s going to happen next! Will Johnny be right, or will it all turn out good?

    Anyway, good job with the house. It’s adorable. I wish I would be that good at building houses!

    Own creation, I guess?


    September 9, 2010 at 12:43 pm

  3. Yes this one was my own x


    September 9, 2010 at 12:50 pm

  4. Finally, a chapter that is not babies, love and marriage…


    September 9, 2010 at 1:01 pm

  5. i love this update 😀

    a question for you:
    Do you have the awesomemod?
    if you do
    do you know how to install it?

    thanks already 😀


    September 9, 2010 at 2:35 pm

  6. Oh oh, I’ve got a feeling it was the wrong decision, just like hanging out with Piper… Between Martial Arts School and Piper, she could soon be ruined….


    September 9, 2010 at 2:45 pm

  7. Ouch! Piper stole Ridley’s wallet? Damn, they’re sisters! (Correct me if there’s any misconception.)

    [x] Inspire

    September 9, 2010 at 2:47 pm

  8. HI Jeremy. I do not have the awesome mod unfortunatly. Sorry i cant help x


    September 9, 2010 at 2:48 pm

  9. Sienna grew up beautifully, i espeically love her hair! & I still wanna punch piper..I hate her more anymore…Karma please come and kick her butt for me :3

    Keep up the awesome work! + I love that house!!


    September 9, 2010 at 2:55 pm

  10. haha,

    a chapter about babies and stuff is also nice. 😀
    I would love to see how Rileys babies look like… (that’s not good English. Idk how I have to spell that haha.)

    nice chapter… 😉



    September 9, 2010 at 3:18 pm

  11. That academy sounds creepy. Let’s hope Riley comes to her senses OR/AND Johnny saves her… but this is The Seraphine Legacy, Hmmm…

    Great Chapter 😀 !! Even if Piper is still stealing and Sienna has gone 😦


    September 9, 2010 at 4:25 pm

  12. Love the Chapter! And the house!!!

    Radke Legacy

    September 9, 2010 at 5:10 pm

  13. it’s okay 😉
    thanks for answer my question 🙂


    September 9, 2010 at 6:45 pm

  14. The house so so beautiful! You are so amazing at making houses!

    This was a nice chapter! I hope nothing goes wrong in the acadamy and that she gets to visit China again someday.


    September 9, 2010 at 6:55 pm

  15. your house is beautiful. I’m a good builder but not as good as you.

    How long did it take you to build this marvelous house?


    September 9, 2010 at 9:50 pm

  16. OMG what a place to learn to fight! I can’t wait to find out your nefarious little twist!


    September 9, 2010 at 10:54 pm

  17. Wow, that house it amazing! How did you build that! I can’t build houses.

    I hope that she does okay in her new training center and not get her butt kicked. 😛


    September 9, 2010 at 11:29 pm

  18. My prediction:
    Riley trains hard independantly and she feels ready to face “Sidewinder’ (he’d be an interesting romantic interest) or Gia, and she gets seriously hurt.
    Just a guess, and somethng I thought would be interesting.
    Its strange how its only the four of them.
    I bet Joe is a really good fighter, for some reason.


    September 10, 2010 at 1:32 am

  19. Great Chapter.
    I wonder if later on if Johnny was right and something really super bad will happen to Riley. Piper is such a BAD GIRL. stealing her wallet. Naughty Naughty. I can’t to see how things work out.


    September 10, 2010 at 1:50 am

  20. Woah, this is a really great chapter! I definitely enjoyed it.

    Gia and Sidewinder/Rex are so cool, in their own creepy ways, hehe.

    Elli James

    September 10, 2010 at 4:11 am

  21. Sarah, that house is the most interesting, modern, unique designed sim house i have ever soon, just beautiful!!


    September 10, 2010 at 6:40 am

  22. Woehoe nice chapter again!
    I was really wondering where your getting that awesome tattoo’s from!


    September 10, 2010 at 6:57 am

  23. I think Johnny really likes Riley, so he was warning her to stay away. I think Gia and Riley will be best friends.


    September 10, 2010 at 7:53 pm

  24. Fabulous chapter. When Riley first came to the Sim Fu Expert Academy, I thought that Gia would be the jelous type, and Rex or ‘Sidewinder’ would put her through hell. Maybe that’s in store for us, or maybe something that we would’ve never expected…


    September 10, 2010 at 10:41 pm

  25. Wow your houses are always so beautiful and detailed! I hope Riley is not in over head with all this Sim Fu. Stuff I just get this feeling she should have listened to Johnny.

    LOL at Klepto Piper!! XD


    September 11, 2010 at 3:55 am

  26. Yihaa! Cowboy hat to that martial arts outfit, how did you come up woth THAT idea? Hilarious! The house is beautiful.

  27. i LUV this, i agree with Dahlia but i still wish Piper was the heir, i noticed that u havent ever used a spare for the legacy, maybe, while noah is still alive, she can get seriously injured by Gia or someone (also like Dahlia) and Piper could be the heir, i no everyone hates her, but i think shes interesting. And THANKs for not making her move out, and i like the whole stubborn twist you gave it


    September 12, 2010 at 4:09 pm

  28. Umm , Sarah , please don’t kill off Riley to make Piper heir (cutiepatoutie’s idea) I dont think that would be fair for her to purposely be killed when riley won fair and square. It would be a big disappointment to me as piper is just conceited and annoying.):


    September 12, 2010 at 7:41 pm

  29. srry but i just think it would fit in to the story, and if no one likes Piper but me (lol) what about Sienna, but I do want to see more Of Riley


    September 12, 2010 at 8:24 pm

  30. and i do think (event though id like piper more) that if anything did happen it should be Sienna cuz she came in second


    September 12, 2010 at 8:25 pm

  31. Well i agree cutiepatoutie that if anything did happen it should go to sienna , i just think it wouldn’t be fair to the people who voted for riley as then there would be no reason for us to have voted since star sarah was just going to kill her off. basically she might as well just not held a heir poll, and told us that riley was heir .hope that makes sense (:


    September 12, 2010 at 9:09 pm

  32. dont worry guys, i will not be killing Riley off. Not yet anyway. As you said, Riley won the vote.

    Sorry for not updating in a while but have been away all weekend. Will be updating tomorrow x


    September 13, 2010 at 10:41 am

  33. Yaayy, i’m looking forward 😀


    September 13, 2010 at 12:54 pm

  34. YAY! Can’t wait for the next entry! I can’t seem to download Angel Falls….Can you help me?


    September 14, 2010 at 12:09 am

  35. Do you have the sims 3 world adventures? If youre not, then it will not work 😉




    September 14, 2010 at 1:29 pm

  36. Hi Jordon. Angel Falls will not work unless you have World Adventures. Also, i have not updated it with the most recent patch so that might be why it is not working too. I will see if i can work on it this week and update it x


    September 14, 2010 at 1:45 pm

  37. Its coming i promise – just soooo busy xxx


    September 14, 2010 at 1:45 pm

  38. Hmmm…I’ll try again. I have all of the expansion packs.


    September 17, 2010 at 2:11 am

  39. Heehee, I got it!! Anyway, my person is still currently all alone waiting for the people to show up. Just out of curiousity, I don’t have any custom content on the game. Will the people who move in be all special like? If they are that would be soooo cool. Thanks!


    September 17, 2010 at 9:50 pm

  40. Hi Jordon. If you do not have any CC they should just be generic Sim3 game people x


    September 18, 2010 at 11:37 am

  41. the new house is really nice, i especially like the garden ♥
    sienna looks really pretty, and reminds me a lot of katy perry 🙂
    it really looks like to me that riley has joined a cult :s


    September 20, 2010 at 7:39 am

  42. poor riley. WOW house!!!


    March 9, 2011 at 3:13 pm

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